Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Very Fruity Bars

One of the items on the JOPCC Picture Rocks 2011 Canoe Trip were Very Fruity Bars. These were very fruity bars...and they were made twice. The first batch was placed in the freezer in Toledo and then promptly forgotten until halfway through the drive north to Grand Marais. A quick stop at the grocery store in Gaylord remedied the no-ingredients situation and Very Fruity Bars were once again on the menu for the Pictured Rocks Canoe Trip 2011. The intent was for Aurora to be able to snack on them throughout the day and therefore prevent her from becoming too hungry...well, they were gone by the end of the trip...but AHP did not participate in eating any of them! None the less, they were delicious and help up wonderfully for the duration of the camping trip.

1 1/2 cups pitted prunes
1 1/2 cups dried apricots
2-3 cups raisins
1 cup dates

Place dried fruit in a bowl and just cover with cold water, let soak overnight.

Add to the fruit mixture:
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup maple syrup
3 cups rolled oats
3 cups chopped nuts
1 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup sunflower seeds

Mix together. If mixture is too dry, add apple juice a little at a time until mixture comes together. Spread mixture into a greased baking sheet lined with wax paper. Preheat oven to 350F, bake for 30 minutes or until lightly brown and crisp. Cut into squares, freezes well.

1 comment:

  1. They were delicious Waichey! And no worries.. despite Rory's lack of interest in the Fruity Bars, they did not go to waste. Kat and I helped out and ate Rory's ;)
